30 Day Prayer Challenge | Day 7 | March 8, 2025
DAY 7: SEEKING FORGIVENESS THROUGH PRAYER Did you know that un-confessed sin could keep God from hearing your prayers? It's not that He doesn't want to hear us; it's just that God, in His perfect holiness, cannot come near to sin. The sin must first be removed. David prayed in Psalm 66:18, "If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened." In other words, if we practice sin habitually without repentance, God will not hear us. Of all the promises for answered prayer, here's a promise for God not to answer prayer. Sin is serious business to God, and therefore should be serious business to us. If there's anything clogging the channel of prayer in our lives then we need to come to the Lord, confess our sins, and receive forgiveness. Throughout Scripture, sin is described as a disease that produces spiritual death. It is no wonder, then, that the psalmist cried out, "Wash me thoroughly God!" When we are honest about our own...