31 Days in the Psalms | Day 24 | October 24, 2023

 We find ourselves praising all day long. Praise tumbles out of our mouths without our even knowing it. We praise musical ability, athletic prowess, a beautiful snowfall, a child’s ability to take its first steps, a well-written book, and a delicious dish. This psalm calls us to praise God. Why? Because the majestic God who rules over all (vv. 4–6) delights to take notice of the distraught and the needy (vv. 7–9). Who could have ever imagined that this is what the Creator is like? Who would have ever presumed him to be inclined in this way?

How about you? Have you seen his heart? Or do you view him as stoically distant and removed? Are you distraught? Are you perplexed by life? The Lord of heaven is drawn like a magnet to your distress. Open up to him. Welcome him into your need. “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap” (v. 7).

Above all, remember that the great and high God proved once and for all that he loves to come down to meet distraught sinners in their need by coming in the person of the Son and becoming one who was himself low and distraught. He came for us. He came for you. He joined you in your lowly condition. Embrace him.


Psalms 113


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