30 Day Prayer Challenge | Day 4 | March 5, 2025
The verse above gives us an incredible glimpse into the prayer life of Nehemiah. These powerful words reveal Nehemiah's steadfast belief in the power of God. He's able to pray with conviction because he knows that his God is in control. Even as Nehemiah learned of the destruction of Jerusalem's walls and faced the seemingly impossible task of rebuilding them, he knew that God was still on His throne.
In the same way, knowing God builds your trust in Him. It is through knowing God that our eyes are opened to see ourselves, and the world around us, from His perspective. If you want to know God in a deeper, more meaningful way, if you want to grow in your relationship with Him, start with prayer.
As you begin to discern the character of God through prayer, you will realize that God can handle any problem in your life. Do you believe that? God is bigger and greater than any situation, any crisis in your life! That's what Nehemiah believed. He had faith in a great and mighty God. Through his prayer he was saying, "Lord, I know you can handle this!"
In your prayer time today, ask God to reveal Himself - His true nature and character - to you. If applicable, use a Prayer Page to write down any feelings of disappointment, discouragement, or uncertainty that may be hindering your relationship with God. Offer these things to your Heavenly Father in prayer, asking Him to heal and remove these "roadblocks" from your heart.
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