30 Day Prayer Challenge | Day 6 | March 7, 2025
I love Jeremiah 33:3. I've heard some people call it "God's telephone number." Promises like this one contained throughout God's Word give us assurance and confidence that, when God's children pray, the Heavenly Father listens. He invites us to come to Him.
That is a staggering thought isn't it? God hears our prayers. While most of us have been told all of our lives that God answers prayer, that fact just blows right by us most of the time. Think about this: if it is true that God Almighty, the Creator of the universe, is interested in hearing from us and answers our prayers according to His perfect will for our lives, then that is the most amazing thing we could possibly experience! And that's why it is absolutely ludicrous that we don't pray as we ought to pray.
It is encouraging to know that we are not heard because of the language of our prayers, the length of our prayers, or the logic of our prayers, but because of the life that prays before God. It's not your words that matter; it is the genuineness of your heart. God is listening for people whose lives are transparent before Him, who are laid out before Him. God is looking for honest, genuine prayer. But most of all He wants to see your faith.
As your prayer life increases, so will your faith and trust in the God who loves you and can meet your deepest needs. Today, put aside any desire to say the "right words," and just be honest before God. Tell Him what is on your heart, confess any fears or anxiety you may be experiencing. Don't forget to thank Him for the blessings you have in your life.
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